Launch of the Eco-Score, the environmental score for food products

The Eco-Score is a continuation of the calculation of the carbon footprint of food products (available in the Open Food Facts app since 2018, made possible in particular by all the work of the volunteers of the Data for Good program). To know the ecoscore of a product, simply scan it with the Open Food Facts app for Android or iPhone.

A climate issue that requires the collaboration of all stakeholders and all citizens
The Eco-Score is carried by a collective of 8 committed digital and food players:
We hope that the Eco-Score will be adopted by more and more players, and that like the Nutri-Score, it will soon appear on product packaging. Open Food Facts makes Eco-Score calculation available today for the more than 100 applications and services that use our database.
The calculation of the Eco-Score is made possible thanks to the tens of thousands of Open Food Facts contributors who add photos and structure the information of food products. To accurately calculate the Eco-Score, it is indeed necessary to have detailed information on the origin of the ingredients and the materials of the packaging. A big thank you in particular to all the committed citizens who participate in our great collaborative inventory of food product packaging !
We also call on manufacturers to send us directly the information they already have via our free platform for producers, in order to allow a more accurate calculation of the Eco-Score. The platform will also allow them to obtain all the details of the Eco-Score calculation for all of their products. Today, we calculated on Open Food Facts the Eco-score of more than 240,000 products sold in France. Thanks to the collaboration of all the actors involved in food, citizens, manufacturers and scientists, we will be able to improve the Eco-Score and collect more and more precise data for more and more products.
This will make the Eco-Score a useful tool both for consumers so that they can make more informed choices, and for manufacturers so that they can reduce the impact of their products on the environment. environment.
The calculation of the Eco-Score and the platform for producers are made possible thanks to the support of the AFNIC Foundation and Public Health France.