A glimpse into what the EU is shaping for the future of Internet 

This week, Alex and Manon went to Brussels to join the NGI Forum. In a nutshell, NGI is a European funding program developed to foster innovation using open-source technologies towards the Internet of tomorrow.  NGI aims to build an Internet that responds to people’s fundamental needs, including trust, security, and inclusion, while reflecting the values …

A step towards greater transparency: Auchan shares data on nearly 6,000 of its branded products on Open Food Facts

A few days ago, teams from the Auchan France retail chain joined the list of more than 240 committed manufacturers by sharing detailed information on almost 6,000 food and non-food products on the Open Food Facts platform. We welcome this commitment from Auchan France, which will enable our 3 million or so monthly visitors to …

Open Food Facts Days 2023: celebrating community

Highlight of the year  Our community weekend took place last weekend (21 & 22 October) – and it was a truly memorable time!  In the heart of Paris  We were fortunate to meet once again at the Académie du Climat in Paris. This year, the Hall of Festivities (la Salle des Fêtes) was made available …

Food additive emulsifiers & risk of cardiovascular disease in the NutriNet-Santé study

🇫🇷 Open Food Facts & research 👩‍🔬 Another example of our open food database at the service of science. The following study by French researchers from the NutriNet-Santé cohort of the Nutritional Epidemiology Research Team (EREN) found positive associations between the risk of CVD (cardiovascular disease) and the consumption of five individual emulsifiers and two …

Search-a-licious wants to make searching a delicious experience

Open Food Facts is, to our knowledge, the most important Food Open Database. With close to 3 Million products it might not be easy to find relevant information! The project began with quite good search capabilities, offering a lot of aggregations to explore the database, graphics and advanced search capabilities (did you ever explore it?). …

Next Mobile app – results of our co-construction

Over the past several months, our community has been hard at work together, generating ideas, discussing them, giving our opinions through polls – all on the subject of the future of our mobile app.  The aim: how can the app help Open Food Facts have a bigger reach & impact in promoting food transparency around …

Open Food Facts mentioned in The Guardian

 Open Food Facts was highlighted by Rachel Dixon in the Guardian magazine. Learn more about the Nova score, devised by Professor Carlos Monteiro, & use our free app or website to find out how processed are your favorite food products. Open Food Facts has been displaying the Nova score since 2018. Read full article here

Introducing the v4.9.0 of the Open Food Facts app: A Polished Experience!

We are excited to unveil the latest version of the Open Food Facts app, version 4.9.0, available today on Android, and in the next few days on iPhone, iPad, and Windows 11!  This release is a testament to the commitment and relentless hard work of the permanent team as well as our volunteer community. A …

Open Food Facts Days are back! 🎉 2023 Edition

SAVE THE DATE: Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd of October 2023 in Paris, France Each year, we dedicate a weekend to the Open Food Facts community and it is a very special time.  Why ?  First of all, because Open Food Facts wouldn’t exist without its community members, in various corners of the world, who …

Community Poll 📱🔥

🎼 “No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.” – Booker T. Washington We are coming to the last push in our exploration as a community to define the next direction for the Open Food Facts mobile app 📱✨ We are almost there thanks to our combined efforts ! 👏 Throughout …