How Tortoise Media reused Open Food Facts to build its Better Food Index

Tortoise Media’s Better Food Index has used data from Open Food Facts to reveal that 7 out of 10 products collected to represent the UK’s top 30 food producers are “ultra-processed”.  This matters because ultra-processed foods – which contain additives to make them taste better and last longer – have been linked to over-consumption and …

The new Open Food Facts app is now on F-Droid!

Last year, to mark the 10th anniversary of Open Food Facts, we launched our new mobile app on Android and iOS. Completely redesigned, it’s more fun, personalised and ready to welcome new features as part of our “One million users for the Open Food Facts mobile app” co-construction. As a result, since 2022, the app …

Help us define the future of the Open Food Facts mobile app!

Last year, we built a whole new mobile app for Open Food Facts. 2 months ago, we mailed you about the collaborative process to imagine its future. A fraction of you have brainstormed hard over the last few weeks to come up with 4 tracks, and associated features 🤩.  It’s now time to assess if the ideas the …

Global food database also for the Czech Republic 🇨🇿

This article is written by a contributor of Open Food Facts Jiří.

It’s been over a year since I started volunteering with the Open Food Facts project. That is, another activity in my spare time.

I would like to try to give a short introduction from my point of view.  Although the main creators are doing it themselves on the website. I just translated the website interface into Czech to better understand and use it.

Data on over 10,000 packagings to explore!

As you may already know, Open Food Facts and ADEME have been working hand in hand since December 2022 on the “Tackling food Packaging” campaign. The aim? To collect as much data as possible on food packaging in order to reduce its impact on the environment and encourage more sustainable practices. ♻️ After several months …

Open Food Facts Images on AWS Open Dataset: The Ultimate Food Image Dataset

Hello everyone! We’re very excited to announce that Open Food Facts Images is now available on AWS Open Dataset. This opens up many possibilities for machine learning enthusiasts and researchers. Open Food Facts is a non-profit organization on a mission to give people the power to understand and change the impact of food on our …

GSoC’22: Insights from a Contributor’s Journey

by Sumit Kashyap (article written on Are you curious about the Google Summer of Code program? Wondering what it’s like to be a contributor to an open-source organization? In this blog post, I’ll be sharing my personal GSoC’22 journey with OpenFoodFacts and answering some basic questions to help you better understand my experience. What …

Using the Open Food Facts app to accompany scientific research – yes we scan 🤳🥫 !

Recently, Sarah E. Nájera Espinosa (Nutrition & Climate researcher and PhD Candidate at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) contacted with Open Food Facts to use the database for her research.  More precisely, Sarah and her team are conducting a survey on the availability of novel plant-based food products sold in the UK. …

New office: ‘the Orangery of Open Food Facts’ 🍊 

Last February, the permanent team of Open Food Facts (Alex, Charles, Edouard, Gala, Manon, Pierre, Raphael and Stéphane (and Sarazine, our super intern !) has moved into a small office under the roofs of Paris. It’s not very big, but the view is pretty spectacular ! This is the first time in its 10 years …

Italia, here we come! A look back at our presence at CIBUS, Parma

The CIBUS After Germany, the next stop is Italy 🍕 for the Open Food Facts team!From March 29th to 30th, we were in Parma, Italy to take part in the CIBUS: an international food fair in which Italian gastronomy and terroir are in the spotlight. This was an opportunity to meet with producers, distributors and …