Some Open Food Facts members will be attending FOSDEM 2015 in Brussels this week-end. We are very much looking forward to the great talks like “UI design for open data” from Hollie Lubbock (on Sunday at 13:15 in the “AW1.126” room). While we won’t have a booth or do a presentation, we certainly hope to …
We were delighted when we saw that Food was one of the themes of the Open Data Challenges series run by NESTA UK and the Open Data Institute. This was a really open event dedicated to Food and Open Data, which we believe is a very tasty – and very useful – combination. From the …
Today we are launching Made Near Me, an interactive map that shows where food products sold in the United Kingdom are made. Have you ever noticed those cryptic codes in an ellipse printed on the label of food products, like this one on a Greek Style Organic and Fat Free Yogurt? This “UK VD011 EC” …
NESTA (a UK based innovation charity) and the Open Data Institute are running open data challenges on different themes like energy and housing. One of the challenges is the Food Open Data Challenge, and the question the organizers ask is: “How can we use open data to help people eat more healthily, eat more sustainably …
Open Food Facts começou há dois anos atrás e tem vindo a crescer desde então: até agora, cerca de 900 colaboradores já adicionaram dados sobre mais de 17 mil produtos de todo o mundo! A fim de continuar o desenvolvimento do projecto, encontramo-nos agora no processo de criar uma associação sem fins lucrativos para o …
Open Food Facts started 2 years ago and has been steadily growing ever since: we now have 900 contributors who have added data for more than 17000 products from around the world. In order to continue the development of the project, we are in the process of creating a not-for-profit association for Open Food Facts …
This Saturday February 22nd will be the 2014 edition of Open Data Day, “a gathering of citizens in cities around the world to write applications, liberate data, create visualizations and publish analyses using open public data”. Open Data Day is a great opportunity to let more people know about open data, to show them how …
Creating a database of food products from all around the world was the goal of Open Food Facts right from the start, and thanks to the work of many contributors and to a new architecture to support internationalization, this global database is becoming a reality! Open Food Facts now exists in 12 languages and contains …
The Open Knowledge Fundation is organizing the Open Knowledge Conference 2013 in Geneva on September 18th and 19th. The announced theme for this year is Open Data – Broad, Deep, Connected : “How do we broaden open data – not only geographically across countries and regions, but also across domains and institutions? For example, whilst open data is now …
A team of students from ISEN (a computer science and electronic engineering school in Toulon, France) submited a project for a Windows Phone application to the Imagine Cup 2013, a tech competition organized by Microsoft. The project was selected as one of the finalists for the Imagine Cup France, and if selected will be presented …