Open Food Facts at EmpoderaLIVE 2024: Technology at the service of democratic spaces

Are technology, data and AI shaping our future? Or will they help us to build a common space and guarantee our rights? It was to immerse themselves in these fascinating subjects that the Open Food Facts Partnerships team (Manon and Charlotte) travelled to Malaga on 21 and 22 May 2024 for the 16th edition of …

accessibility open food facts

Accessibility at Open Food Facts

Open Food Facts is an opensource project, which means it is open to as many people as possible, and that includes accessibility. Without even mentioning programming, the Open Food Facts database is a gold mine for people with visual problems. Let’s take the example of product photos, which can help to know more information about …

open food facts

A Scan Party in Cayenne

A “scan party” in Cayenne (French Guyana) for young people from the Local Mission ! A fantastic initiative by Vanessa Izéros, a public health nutritionist. 🔎 If you too would like to organise this type of participatory workshop around food, don’t hesitate to write to us so we can help you organise 😊: Vanessa’s feedback …

Marius project grantee open food facts

Open Food Facts Project Grantee 2024: Marius

Who am I and how do I contribute to Open Food Facts? Hi everyone! I am Marius from Germany, currently living in Denmark. During the project grant 2024 and as an ambassador for the Open Food Facts project in Germany and the Nordics, I want to contribute to grow the network of volunteers as well …

#PortraitSeries: Valentin

Hello, I’m Valentin! I’ve been a developer at Open Food Facts 🍊 since September 2023. My job involves contributing to the development and design of multiple web and mobile projects. Why did I want to join Open Food Facts? What really drew me to Open Food Facts was the variety of projects available and the …

Open Food Facts on the Projets Libres podcast!

A few weeks ago, we met Walid François Nouh, product developer at Murfy and host of the brilliant podcast “Projets Libres”, which brilliantly highlights open source projects, deciphering their business models, how they work and how they run their communities, among other things. We’re really grateful to Walid, who offered to record 2 episodes on …

machine learning open food facts

#PortraitSeries: Jérémy

I’m Jérémy, a Freelance Machine Learning Engineer.  Although I began my career in physics and engineering at major corporations in France, I felt frustrated by not being in full control of my life. Thus, I made a bold decision after completing my PhD: I left everything behind, embarked on a journey to learn Machine Learning …

Mieux Manger au Ciné (“eat better at the cinema”), a French organisation that promotes better eating offer in cultural venues, joins forces with Open Food Facts

Original French article here: Alimentation Générale “Since 2019, the Mieux Manger au Ciné organisation has been building a gourmet relationship between cultural venues and food throughout France. Through its platform, it offers a range of healthy products, less fatty, less salty, less sweet, but just as comforting, for cinemas and cultural venues. Initiated by the …


Hackathon with Perl developers around Open Food Facts

Product Opener, code name for the software powering Open Food Facts on the web and doing most of the heavy duty, is coded in Perl, a very versatile language which is also Open Source. When we attended Open Source Experience, we had the opportunity to chat with the Perl monger group of Paris who, by …

world health day

World Health Day 2024

On the 7th of April, we celebrate World Health Day, whose theme this year is “My health, my right.” “The WHO Council on the Economics of Health forAll has found that at least 140 countries recognize health as a human right in their constitution. Yet countries are not passing and putting into practice laws to …