#PortraitSeries: 10 years of contribution by tacite

#PortraitSeries: 10 years of contribution by tacite

Who I am, my contribution to Open Food Facts ?

I’ve been contributing to Open Food Facts for 10 years under the pseudonym “Tacite”.

Otherwise, in my day-to-day life, I’m an administrative secretary in the north of France and I’m 33.

I also try to be useful in other projects like OpenStreetMap and Wikipedia.

Favourite trip and why?

My first trip to Japan in 2019. A complete change of scene, but amazing.

And as a bonus, lots of camembert photos for Open Food Facts.

Photo by tacite, source Wikimedia Commons

Favourite feature on Open Food Facts ?

With Hunger Games, Open Food Facts has managed to make data correction fun and easy.

I’d love to be involved in developing a little Pokémon Go or Tamagotchi-style video game with this data, for even more fun!

Hunger Games