Open Food Facts Days 2024 this September in Paris

Open Food Facts Days 2024 this September in Paris

Open Food Facts 2024 – a unique opportunity to promote food transparency as a community!


On this Olympic year for France 🇫🇷, Open Food Facts will celebrate its champions – the members of its community around the world!

We hope you can join us for our community weekend on the 21-22 September 2024.

(Note: this is a physical event, not an online event. Please only register if you can make it in person.)

Open Food Facts Days 2023

🏫 In the same great venue as in 2023

Académie du Climat, 2, Place Baudoyer – Paris 4e

Metro stops :

Hôtel de Ville (lines 1 or 11)

Saint-Paul (line 1)

Pont Marie (line 7)

The official site of this venue

🎟 Registration

Places are limited, so sign up as soon as you can (it also helps the organisation team a whole lot! Please & Thank you)

There is no participation fee. However, you can “reserve your lunch” now by giving 20€ (we need this information asap to book). 

2 types of tickets:  

🍊Reserve my spot, no lunch included.

✅ Reserve my spot + my lunch for Saturday (& participate towards event expenses) 

In the court yard of the Academy of Climate

🗓 Programme

Times of connection, workshops, presentations, project news & more!

BUT unlike the 2 previous years, we will not do it barcamp style. This year the programme is collaboratively built in advance by the community.

🧩 Please share your ideas to this wiki page :

If you’d like to submit a lightning talk, a fun activity for community-building, or have any questions, please contact  

🎤 Let’s hear it from the participants who came the previous years !

🫶 Help us make this year’s event a success

This year, we’d like to ask some of you to help us on these two days.

There are several missions, like keeping an Open Food Facts Discovery stand for the new-comers, helping with the coffee stand, maybe translation, facilitation within workshops, time-keeper, etc.

If you’re interested in giving a hand with “Team Event”, please get in touch with Gala:

Morning essentials
Join the strike force of event planning !

🚉 Our Mini-grants 2024

Get some help towards your trip by applying for a mini-grant. Funds limited. 

We are so looking forward to this time & truly hope you can be a part of it, 

Open Food Facts team 🔎🍊