Open Food Facts on the Projets Libres podcast!
A few weeks ago, we met Walid François Nouh, product developer at Murfy and host of the brilliant podcast “Projets Libres”, which brilliantly highlights open source projects, deciphering their business models, how they work and how they run their communities, among other things.
We’re really grateful to Walid, who offered to record 2 episodes on the Open Food Facts project – yes, there’s a lot to talk about 😉

An episode for the general public, narrated by Manon
We talk about :
- Genesis of the project and mission
- Structure and legal form of OpenFoodFacts
- Relations with citizens, government agencies, researchers and consumer associations
- Open Food Facts and industry, the state and European member states
- Future challenges
A more technical episode, narrated by Alex
We talk about :
- Technical infrastructure
- Licences used by Open Food Facts
- Technical contributors to Open Food Facts and tools available to the community
- Roadmap management
- Sharing and meetings with the community
- Future challenges: documentation

Many thanks to Walid for his invitation, his pertinent questions and his willingness to listen. We’re really pleased to have discovered this podcast – free projects need more visibility, and his initiative is invaluable! 👊