New office: ‘the Orangery of Open Food Facts’ 🍊
Last February, the permanent team of Open Food Facts (Alex, Charles, Edouard, Gala, Manon, Pierre, Raphael and Stéphane (and Sarazine, our super intern !) has moved into a small office under the roofs of Paris.
It’s not very big, but the view is pretty spectacular !

This is the first time in its 10 years of existence that our non-profit has its own space. Up till this moment, all team members have been working remotely.
We are able to have our “Orangery” (as we’ve named it) thanks to Plateau Urbain, a coop of temporary urban planning. Open Food Facts, along with over 300 non-profits & artists (nicknamed ‘the occupants’, will have our office spaces for 18 months, while this stately building next to the Hotel de Ville square is between projects.
It’s an exciting environment to be a part of, as it encourages synergies & collaborations between different actors. This transient collective adventure is called “Les Arches Citoyennes” (Citizen Arches). It gives us a work space, a meeting point & gives us a possibility to actually see our colleagues in person. You can come say hello, just contact ahead of time so we can welcome you.

If you are a non-profit organisation or an artist, keep an eye out for various offers of such kind on Plateau Urbain.

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