A Scan Party in Cayenne
A “scan party” in Cayenne (French Guyana) for young people from the Local Mission ! A fantastic initiative by Vanessa Izéros, a public health nutritionist.
🔎 If you too would like to organise this type of participatory workshop around food, don’t hesitate to write to us so we can help you organise 😊: gala@openfoodfacts.org

Vanessa’s feedback on her workshop :
🌽🥕🍎 Shopping, healthy eating and a small budget! 🛒
I had the pleasure of leading a fun and educational workshop in a convenience store in downtown Cayenne, aimed at young people from the Local mission in partnership with the Mutualité Française.
🥕 The aim of the session? To help them navigate the aisles of the supermarket to make smart, economical food choices.
🔍 We used a tool that’s practical, effective and accessible to all: the Nutri-Score & the Open Food Facts app, to quickly and effectively assess the nutritional quality of products. Thanks to these 2 complementary tools, participants were able to easily identify the healthiest foods on the shelves.

We also searched for and identified products included in the “BQP quality-price shield” 💶 providing access to a list of everyday consumer products at moderate prices.
🍎 The workshop was interactive, with discussions around healthy eating and budget management. During the workshop, the young people were able to immediately put into practice the advice they had been given by preparing a healthy menu and making purchases within the defined budget.
I’d like to congratulate them for their commitment and seriousness, as well as for the good humour shared during this session. 🙏
🍍 I would like to thank LeaderPrice Cayenne for its warm welcome, Mutualité Française Guyane for its invaluable support, and Mission Locale Centre-Est Savanes for their trust & commitment to young people’s health.”
Open Food Facts and its community is delighted that our open data base served this workshop.
Bravo to Vanessa for organising such an event and for promoting healthy eating among the youth in Cayenne.
Image credit : Vanessa Izéros