50k prices on Open Prices !
We’ve reached 50 000 prices on Open Prices today ! 🎉

This amazing milestone is a collective effort from the 650 contributors of Open Prices.
We thank all them for their effort towards greater transparency in the prices of food!
💰Open Prices is a project that started as a workshop at the Open Food Facts Days 2023. Read this article to learn more about it: https://blog.openfoodfacts.org/en/news/introducing-open-prices

Let’s reuse this data
If you’ve missed it, a few reuses of Open Prices data have already been published by contributors:
– 🗺️ a world map of prices on Open Prices, by Damien Mayaux
– 🥕 “Le prix des carottes” (in French), that keeps display the mean price of raw fruits/vegetables in France by Alex Bourreau
– 🧾 “Do you want your receipt?” compares the prices of two supermarkets Quentin L.
– 📈 🥫 A chart of price evolution
All these reuses are published in the Reuse section of Open Prices. If you’ve built a cool application using Open Prices data, feel free to share it !