A look back at the Open Food Facts professionals annual meet-up in Paris

A look back at the Open Food Facts professionals annual meet-up in Paris

Open Food Facts is fundamentally a community of volunteer contributors, and September’s Community Days enabled us once again to solidify it (read the blog article on the 2024 edition).

However, Open Food Facts is also part of a multitude of players who make up our food system – namely, professionals from a variety of backgrounds.

Thursday, October 10, 2024 was an opportunity for the permanent team to oversee a day dedicated to professionals, for its second edition. A huge thank you to the Open Data Soft team, for their warm welcome to their superb premises with an incredible view! 🪟

In the same spirit as the Community Weekend, this day aims to bring together initiatives and points of view on the subjects of food and the digital commons.

Here’s an overview of a day rich in profiles and presentations:

  • A presentation of current projects and future horizons.
Alex Garel, developer on the permanent team, presents some future prospects for Open Food Facts.
  • A time for networking, particularly conducive to forging links and connecting with other professionals on food and the digital commons.
Gathered around food 🙂
  • Three speakers talked about their different uses of Open Food Facts.
Adrien Tréchot, founder of the dansmabouteille project, talks about the importance of transparent information in the wine and spirits industry. Watch the replay of the testimonial.
Vincent Puig, Director of the Institut de Recherche et d’Innovation (IRI), presents the Crisalim project to which Open Food Facts is contributing. Watch the replay of the testimonial.
Thomas Laurent presents Kiwee, an e-commerce site that reuses Open Food Facts data and encourages manufacturers to share their data in return. Watch the replay of the testimonial.

Two round-table discussions with diverse and fascinating speakers.

First roundtable discussion on the subject of “New consumer behaviors: towards ever more informed eating.”

With Alexis Vaillant for AlterFood (speaking), Ywan Penvern for Deloitte Sustainability, Julia Terpman-Perot for Collectif En Vérité, Olivier Andrault in charge of the food mission for UFC-Que Choisir – moderated by Charles Nepote (Managing Director at Open Food Facts)

Watch the replay of the round table

A second round table on “Why and how to maintain a digital commons on the issue of food?”

With Christophe Echement for Ping Price app, Virgile Deville for beta.gouv (speaking), Vincent B. as member of the board at Open Food Facts – moderated by Charlotte (producers team).

Watch the replay of the round table


A choice of three hands-on workshops, to listen to professionals’ needs and give demonstrations:

  • a demonstration of the Pro platform and its hidden features,
  • a focus on ultra-processing,
  • an approach to the use of Open Food Facts data in innovation and public policy.
Using Open Food Facts data
A beautiful end to a Parisian day

We finished with a networking cocktail until 7pm for the most motivated!

A few members of the permanent team shared a well-deserved dinner after a busy day. Never far from her smartphone to scan the wacky new drinks! 🤳

Thank you all for your presence and investment. See you soon for the 2025 edition for exciting new topics!

The Open Food Facts team 🍊

A replay of the presentations and round tables is available here.

🫶 Did you enjoy the day? Feel free to tag us on social networks, send us feedback by email contact@openfoodfacts.org, or make a donation!