What happened at the Open Food Facts Days 22

What happened at the Open Food Facts Days 22

On the 1st-2nd October, we had the pleasure of hosting the annual Open Food Facts community get-together. It was a time rich in exchanges & ideas. 

Here’s a quick overview of that wonderful weekend ! 💫

Day 1

First of all, it was so exciting to meet many of our community members, some that have contributed to the project for many years, for the first time in person! 

It was also a privilege to welcome new contributors who share the same passion for positive impact, food transparency and open source projects.

Thanks to the City of Paris, we were able to host this edition of the Open Food Facts Days 22 at the Climate Academy, a grand French building from 1868 and a former town hall of the 4th arrondissement. 

Wedding hall
Welcome !
Programme of the weekend

After a brief introduction of the project’s progress, we jumped straight into one of our 3 sessions of barcamp workshops of the day. We really wanted the Open Food Facts community days to focus on what the community is most interested in, so we chose a barcamp format where the attendants create the programme in real time. Everyone suggested topics to discuss, then each one decides in which room to go to participate in the workshops they are the most interested in.

Some of the subjects that these workshops focused on were:

  • Avoiding food waste 
  • Packaging
  • Infrastructure
  • Eco-Score – GreenWashing
  • User Research
  • Data Quality
  • Non-food products
  • Internationalisation
  • Taxonomies

You can find here the notes taken during all barcamps. Feel free to add your suggestions / ideas.

Constitution of day’s programme, barcamp mode
Ideas are flowing
Next steps are emerging

Next up on the program, the Lightning talks ⚡️ by various community members:

  • Working on the ingredients taxonomy by a contributor and app designer Arnaud Leene
Harry Go Vert
La Fourche’s testimony on how they’ve applied the Eco-score to their products and how it was received by the consumers

A keynote speaker: Dr. Julia

Another highlight of the day was Dr. Chantal Julia’s talk about the work done by the Eren team* and Professor Hercberg on the Nutri-Score & how the Open Food Facts database participated in its initial implementation.

*Eren: The Nutritional Epidemiology Research Team is a French joint research team whose objective is to study the relationship between nutrition and health

Dr. Julia (EREN)

Celebrate good times, come on! 🥳

Our project turns 10 this year, so it was very special to celebrate this landmark together with some cake & bubbles! 

And watch this video of the community wishing Open Food Facts a happy birthday! 

We are 10 ! credit: photo Open Street Map / Christian
photo Open Street Map / Christian
Birthday dinner at an Auvergnese restaurant

Day 2

On Sunday, we held our General Assembly, a key moment in the life of our non-profit association. The activity report for 2021 was presented, and the assembly elected 4 new members to the Board of Directors (Anca, Eloise, Marie and Sébastien). It was a chance for some of the newcomers to discover the significance of being a non-profit organisation & how it runs. 

It was followed by more Lightning talks ⚡️:

Alex nous parle de Hunger Games
Raphael sur l’intelligence artificielle dans Open Food Facts

After 2 inspirational days together, it was time to say goodbye, as many had trains and planes to catch, having travelled from all over Europe to take part in this collaborative weekend.

Thank you for making that effort, it was delightful to meet each other (in person!). Thank you also to those who prepared lightning talks, participated in the Birthday video, capsule interviews and gave a hand wherever help was needed. 🙏.

We hope that those who couldn’t make it will find our Open Food Facts Days 2022 Youtube playlist insightful (thanks to Edouard for doing such an outstanding job to record it all!)

We are pumped for next year already! Who’s coming 😉

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